40 uml class diagram constructor
I have an OOP course in Java this semester. I collected some **final exam questions** from last year. It seems that the final exam questions are mostly based on **theories**. After taking a look at the questions that I attached below, can you suggest any books/resources/materials/websites or anything from where I can practice similar theory questions? Some of the questions are as follows: 1) A try statement must have at least one catch clause or a finally block, while a try-with-resources s... I'm going to ask a course instructor on Monday, but in the meantime I ask here for the following reasons: I didn't modify the provided Part class, but: * None of my concrete implementations of Part make use of setters, just the constructor and getters. * I added the search functionality with a solution similar to [this one](https://code.makery.ch/blog/javafx-8-tableview-sorting-filtering/). I one of the webinars uses a solution like that too. So the Inventory lookup methods are completely u...
I am building a UML diagram for Pet class which has 3 fields(name, animal, age), 6 methods(get and set for each of the fields), and also two constructors(a default constructor that sets age=0; a second constructor that accepts parameters for the name, animal and age, and then sets the class variables to the parameter values.) ​ My question is in a UML diagram, is there a way I specify those two different constructors? I currently have my constructors set up as follows: \+Pet() \+...

Uml class diagram constructor
So, I'm studying arrays at the moment and in my book, it's kinda glanced over a few things and not explained a few in ways I fully understand. Apologies for my long post, but as I said, a few questions so bare with me if you will: In this example application it uses "upper\[current-'A'\]++;", but I'm not sure exactly what is happening here. Why is there a minus operator before the character 'A'? `//********************************************************************` `// LetterCount.java Jav... This article will introduce how to organize the Solidity source code with OneSwap as an example. We will go deep into the various "Object-Oriented" features supported by the Solidity language and the usage of libraries, and introduce various function modifiers in detail. ## Standard Directory Structure The OneSwap project uses [Truffle](https://www.trufflesuite.com/) as a development and testing tool, so the overall directory structure also follows the [Truffle convention](https://www.truffles... I am very new to java struggling with a problem where essentially we have to create a java program with 3 classes to perform addFractions method, subtFractions method, multFractions and a divFractions. They have provided us with following UML diagrams and notes: **UML diagram class 1** ArithmeticWithFractions \+main(String\[\]): void \+displayResults(Fraction, Fraction): void 1. The ArithmeticWithFractions program shall use command line arguments to get two fractions as follows. java [Ari...
Uml class diagram constructor. In CS class we often work with so called "Implementationsdiagramme". I don't exactly know what it's in English (I'm from Germany if you couldn't tell) but I think you can compare it to a class diagram. I made a Java program to convert the diagram files from violetUML (the software we are using for making the diagrams) to Java source code. It works in that sense, that it generates Java class files (.java) where you can put a package as parameter when starting the program, making a default constru... Does the constructor count as a method in terms of UML diagram connections? I mean if I have a class A with a class B Object as a field and in the constructor we give as a parameter the object. Then does this count as an Association or an Dependency? package testing; public class A { B b; public A(B b) { this.b = b; } } Does the constructor count as a method in terms of UML diagram connections?I mean if I have a class A with a class B Object as a field and in the constructor we give as a parameter the object. Then does this count as an Association or a Dependency? ​ This is not an exact homework question just a general discussion to solve future questions! package testing; public class A { B b; public A(B b) { this.b = b; } } Full pdf file for lab: file:///home/chronos/u-e00530e4f9ef37cf53ee26616abbfbe87da93bf0/MyFiles/Downloads/MyStrBuilder.pdf WARNING: LONG DIRECTIONS AHEAD Directions: The String, StringBuilder, and StringBuffer classes are provided by the Java library. You’ll be coding your own String class based on the following UML diagram. You are NOT allowed to use any of Java’s String classes. Doing so will result in a failing grade. No exceptions except in the tester. MyStrBuilder is a mutable class th...
I have a UML diagram which outlined how to write the code , including animal super class with private fields name size and breed. The subclass cat has an overloaded constructor which gives error Animal.name is not visible. Constructor looks like public Cat(String name, String breed, int size){ this.name = name; this.breed = breed; this.size = size; } I tried changing it to setName(name); but that wouldn’t work does anyone have any ideas sticking to private ... **INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES** ###### ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS **Retail Transaction Programming Project** **Project Requirements:** 1. Develop A Program To Emulate A Purchase Transaction At A Retail Store. This Program Will Have Two Classes, A**LineItem**Class And A**Transaction**Class. The**LineItem**Class Will Represent An Individual Line Item Of Merchandise That A Customer Is Purchasing. The**Transaction**Class Will Combine Several**LineItem**Objects And Calculate An Overall Total Price ... I have an OOP course in Java this semester. I collected some **final exam questions** from last year. It seems that the final exam questions are mostly based on **theories**. After taking a look at the questions that I attached below, can you suggest any books/resources/materials/websites or anything from where I can practice similar theory questions? Some of the questions are as follows: 1) A try statement must have at least one catch clause or a finally block, while a try-with-resources s... I'm learning programming and just want to check to see if I am understanding things correctly for a few key terms (mainly from the conceptual perspectice) ​ **Functions** are specific commands used in the code to accomplish a task like assigning or transforming variables. **Methods** are a part of a Class and are basically just functions under the class. They do a specific series of steps on the data you put into them **Classes** are mainly like folders for methods and have govern...
So, I have an assignment that states: Design and implement a **class** called RandomArray, which has an integer array. The constructor receives the size of the array to be allocated, then populates the array with random numbers from the range 0 through the size of the array. Methods are required that return the minimum value, maximum value, average value, and a String representation of the array values. Document your design with a UML Class diagram. Create a separate driver class that prompts t... Hey I need help with these questions for my test with OOP. These are questions and below are my answers 1. If class function provides some or all of the functionality required for constructor or other membership function then IS valid? 2. What link do we display inheritance in the UML diagram? Answers: 1. Polimorphism 2. Generalization Thanks Hey there! I have an OOP course in Java this semester. I collected some **final exam questions** from last year. It seems that the final exam questions are mostly based on **theories**. After taking a look at the questions that I attached below, can you suggest any books/resources/materials/websites or anything from where I can practice similar theory questions? Some of the questions are as follows: 1. A try statement must have at least one catch clause or a finally block, while a try-with-r... Yes, this is school-based homework. So I have the following [UML diagram](https://i.imgur.com/SrCW3NE.png), and wish to implement this into multiple classes. Upon doing so however, I have encountered the following: Cannot implement Line3Ds' constructor as it requires a default constructor for Line2D, even though I only require the length variable from it. ~~I cannot implement Line2Ds' constructor (which takes in 2 arguments) as it requires Point2D to have a default constructor, even though I ...
I'm doing an assignment for Java and I can't seem to understand why I can't initialize my array of objects for an assignment. My end goal is to create a method called `public boolean addStock(Stock stock)` which adds a Stock object to the array. I don't think I can do that without initializing it, but I can't figure out how to do that even because I keep getting NullPointerException when I try. I must follow the UML diagrams outlined in the assignment. Here's the initial class that I wish to m...
So I will be enrolled in a 3 year college program called Computer Engineering Technology-Computing Science this September. It comes with a one year paid internship. I plan to study full time, no job. My two big concerns with first semester are these two courses: 1) Intro To Computer Programming: Possessing the fundamentals of logic, problem-solving and programming language structure provides a solid foundation for further study in the field. Students develop introductory knowledge of computer...
Hey, I'm coding the following assignment and banging my head against the wall on the last part. For some reason, my code is drawing an 11th card. Can anyone tell me why? Here's the question: 2. Design and implement a class called Card that represents a standard playing card. Each card has a suit and face value. For your design, create a UML Class diagram similar to Figure 5.5 on page 180 of the textbook. Note that you need to include the two constructors in the methods section (they must be c...
Hello, I am currently working on a Java assignment, but I have never come across this phrase before, and my prof. won't get back to me. This is my assignment: " Write a class in Java named **Student** whose UML class diagram is shown below. The default (no-parameter) constructor should initialize the String data members to the empty String( “ “) and the double member to 0.0. The input method should allow users to input the values of the object’s data members using prompted console input. Do ...
Hello guys, I don't know if a dedicate reddit exist about UML at least I didn't found it. I got a few question about an exercise. I'm suppose to create a Class diagram which contain a class "book" and a class "Person". The point of this question is to make a person able to get 1 book at max, and for the book it's a unique book. The question ask us to add "something" making this process as both of the object are update together and if you return the book "it supress the link in both ways betw...
I am very new to java struggling with a problem where essentially we have to create a java program with 3 classes to perform addFractions method, subtFractions method, multFractions and a divFractions. They have provided us with following UML diagrams and notes: **UML diagram class 1** ArithmeticWithFractions \+main(String\[\]): void \+displayResults(Fraction, Fraction): void 1. The ArithmeticWithFractions program shall use command line arguments to get two fractions as follows. java [Ari...
This article will introduce how to organize the Solidity source code with OneSwap as an example. We will go deep into the various "Object-Oriented" features supported by the Solidity language and the usage of libraries, and introduce various function modifiers in detail. ## Standard Directory Structure The OneSwap project uses [Truffle](https://www.trufflesuite.com/) as a development and testing tool, so the overall directory structure also follows the [Truffle convention](https://www.truffles...
So, I'm studying arrays at the moment and in my book, it's kinda glanced over a few things and not explained a few in ways I fully understand. Apologies for my long post, but as I said, a few questions so bare with me if you will: In this example application it uses "upper\[current-'A'\]++;", but I'm not sure exactly what is happening here. Why is there a minus operator before the character 'A'? `//********************************************************************` `// LetterCount.java Jav...
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